Monday, June 01, 2009

Recent natural resources management resources from ELDIS

ELDIS has alerted us to several recently posted publications about natural resources management relevant to southern Africa.

People, protected areas and global change: participatory conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe, a synthesis of papers about sustainable conservation in protected areas, recommends alternative conservation pathways with new participatory conservation approaches in place of the "fortress approach".

The status and distribution of freshwater biodiversity in Southern Africa by W.R.T. Darwall, K.G. Smith, D. Tweddle and P. Skelton, is a response to the inadequate representation of biodiversity in southern Africa because of a lack of readily available information on the status and distribution of inland water taxa.

Pro-Poor Tourism strategies: making tourism work for the poor: a review of experience reviews practical experience of ‘pro-poor tourism strategies’ to identify useful lessons and good practice. The report synthesises findings from six case studies of pro-poor tourism interventions, in South Africa, Namibia, Uganda, St Lucia, Ecuador and Nepal.

Environmental policymaking in Zimbabwe: discourses, science and politics, by J. Keeley and I. Scoones, asks why policy processes in Zimbabwe have consistently reinforced a highly technocratic approach to natural resources management, while excluding alternative perspectives and framings of problems for policy.

Observations on the intersections of human rights and local practice: a livelihood perspective on water by B. Derman and A. Hellum also looks at Zimbabwean policies, exploring how local water management practices incorporate water within a broader right to livelihood framework.

You can view the full text of all these resources from the ELDIS site.

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