Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Underlying causes of forest decline

Loggers, miners and rural communities all exploit forests in unsustainable ways in search of profits and means of subsistence. However these activities form the primary cause in forest decline. Therefore, stopping this decline would require an understanding of these underlying causes and their distant impacts on forests.Underlying causes originate in some of the most basic features of society,namely the distribution of economic and political power, attitudes towards corruption, population growth, and also in seemingly unrelated government policies. They may originate in other countries and transmit their effects through trade and the operation of transnational corporations. Underlying causes are many and operate in numerous and variable combinations. Forest decline is a complex socio-economic, cultural and political event. Thus, it is mistaken to attribute forest decline to a simple cause-effect relationship or assume that a relationship will remain unaltered over time. In light of this, remedial measures need to be tailored to the very specific milieu in which they will be introduced. There are no simple solutions to this complex phenomenon. For more on this report you can visit:

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