Friday, April 10, 2009

Wetlands in a Flood Pulsing Environment 2010 symposium

HOORC will host the international symposium, Wetlands in a Flood Pulsing Environment : effects on Biodiversity, Ecosystem Function and Human Society in Maun, Botswana, 1-5 February 2010. Organized and sponsored by UNDP-GEF through the BIOKAVANGO Project and the University of Botswana, with international participation of the Olentangy River Wetland Research Park, Ohio State University, the Howard T. Odum Centre for Wetlands at the University of Florida, the Institute for Land, Water and Society (ILWS), Charles Sturt University, Australia, and the Global Wetlands Consortium , the symposium will aim to provide an exchange of international scholars on the importance and effects of pulsing hydrologic cycles (floods, seasonal rainfall and stream-flow, for example) on the functioning of wetlands. Emphasis will be on inland wetlands with focus on the importance of pulsing in carbon and nutrient cycling, biological productivity, biodiversity and human livelihood, history and culture. Pre and post conference field trips will be arranged.

The first call for submission of proposals for special sessions, papers and abstracts can be found on the conference web site and by contacting Professor Lars Ramberg tel: +267 6817230, or the conference secretary, Lore Mosimi, Tel. +267 6817200, Fax. +267 6861835.

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