Thursday, February 12, 2009

Biodiversity resources

Latest posts about useful biodiversity resources on the IISD Linkages site include announcement of:

The Green Customs Guide to Multilateral Environmental Agreements -- a resource for customs and other border control officers to assist in monitoring and facilitating detection and prevention of illegal trade in environmentally sensitive commodities such as ozone depleting substances, toxic chemicals, hazardous waste, endangered species and living modified organisms.

The Liaison Group of Biodiversity-related Conventions' interactive CD-ROM about the applications of the Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines (AAPG) for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity, explaining the AAPG and their relevance in the context of each of the biodiversity related conventions. In addition to providing information on the applications of the AAPG, the CD contains the full text of the principles and guidelines, relevant decisions, recommendations and resolutions, background documents, as well as other materials, including links to relevant websites.

A new paper in the FAO's Legal Papers series, Principles For Developing Sustainable Wildlife Management Laws.

You can find all the resources online.

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