The United Nations Statistics Division has created a new site, UNdata, that offers a single point of access to statistics from UN agencies, including the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), UNESCO, International Labour Organization (ILO), the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
The United Nations system has been collecting statistical information from member states on a variety of topics for 60 years. Until now, these statistical data have been stored in proprietary databases, each with unique dissemination and access policies. Users are often unaware of the full array of statistical information that the UN system has in its data libraries and have needed to move from one database to another to access different types of information. UNdata pools major UN databases and those of several international agencies into one single internet environment. Users can access a large number of UN databases either by browsing the data series or through a keyword search. An additional useful tool is an online glossary that you can filter by topic area.
UNdata searches more than 55 million records.
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