Saturday, February 16, 2008

Newly catalogued in HOORC's Library

Características mesológicas de Angola : descrição e correlação dos aspectos fisiográficos, dos solos e da vegetação das zonas agrícolas angolanas by A. Castanheira Diniz, and published by the Missão de Inquéritos Agrícolas de Angola in 1973, provides a description of the physiography, geology, soil and vegetation of 32 agricultural zones defined by the colonial administration of Angola. Brief descriptions of the climate, the rural landscape, activities of the inhabitants and agricultural value of the soils for each zone are organized by zone. 482 pages, the work is a synthesis of information from a bibliographic survey and the results of systematic field surveys carried out under the responsibility of the Agonomical Research Institute of Angola. The report can be found in the Pete Smith Collection in HOORC's Library.

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