Monday, November 20, 2006

African river and lake basin cooperation

Representatives of African river and lake basin organizations met in Kampala, Uganda, 19-20 October 2006, under the auspices of the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW), to discuss strengthening the coordination and management of transboundary water resources, within the framework of the larger water policy goals of the African Union and AMCOW.

The conference resulted in recommendations about data collection and sharing, inter-basin water transfer, groundwater management, capacity building and regional coordination. It was agreed to set up a body, the Tekateka Commission, to look into options for regional coordination mechanisms, beginning with a proposal for options for a future affiliation between AMCOW and the African Network For Basin Organizations (ANBO). You can find the report of the conference on AMCOW’s web site, as well as a link to the Economic Commission for Africa's 2006 African Water Development Report.

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