Friday, August 04, 2006

Recent research articles by HOORC staff

Research articles by HOORC staff and HOORC associated researchers have been featured in several internationally acclaimed scholarly journals.

A paper titled "Dynamics of floodplain-island groundwater flow in the Okavango Delta, Botswana" by Wolski and Savenije was published in the Journal of Hydrology. The paper provides a background information on the hydrological and ecological dynamics of the Okavango Delta. A network of piezometers located in various locations of the Delta was monitored in order to evaluate the seasonal and long-term dynamics of the surface water-groundwater interactions between the floodplains and the islands.

In "The Okavango Delta: the value of tourism", Mmopelwa and Blignaut used secondary data to estimate the direct consumptive and non-consumptive use value, and a survey among tourists to determine the existence value of the Okavango Delta. This article was published in the South African Journal of Economic and Management Science.

"Nutrient budget in the seasonal wetland of the Okavango Delta, Botswana" by Krah, McCarthy, Huntsman-Mapila, Wolski, Annegarn and Sethebe ,was published in Wetlands Ecology and Management. The paper investigated the nutrient and chloride budgets of a representative floodplain in the seasonal wetlands of the Okavango Delta, Botswana. It also considered a variety of sources of nutrients such as ion species coming with the floodwater, those generated from dry floodplain soils and from water-soluble dust deposition.

In its August 2006 issue, Applied Geochemistry featured "Characterization of arsenic occurance in the water and sediments of the Okavango Delta, NW Botswana" by Huntsman-Mapila, Mapila, Letshwenyo, Wolski, and Hemond. The study performed detailed chemical analyses on surface water, groundwater and sediment samples collected from the Okavango Delta between February and November 2003. The analysis was used to examine the distribution and geochemistry of naturally occuring arsenic in the area.

You can find all four articles in HOORC’s Library.

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