The International Renewable Energy Conference is a consequence of research on "Southern African Sustainable Energy Initiative" funded by the ACP-EU Cooperation program and being collaboratively undertaken by three Southern African partner universities - the University of Botswana, National University of Lesotho, Namibia University of Science and Technology and the Hochschule Darmstadt University which is based in Germany.
The overall objective of the research is to enhance the institutional, human and systems development capacity of the consortium of regional universities in the area of renewable energy and energy efficiency. The specific objectives of the conference are:
i. To provide a regional platform for knowledge sharing, and thereby integrate and co-ordinate initiatives in the field of sustainable energy
ii. To provide an innovative services and product platform that will raise awareness and provide sound research support to a broad range of stakeholders in view of ensuring participation and ownership of interventions and implementation.
Following a big success of the International Renewable Energy Symposium held in Windhoek in October 2015, the University of Botswana, through its Centre for Clean Energy housed in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, will host the first International Renewable Energy Conference in Botswana from 26th to 28th October 2016 at GICC. The conference theme is "Renewable Energy Applications for Sustainable Development".
You are invited to submit papers to the following topics:
1. Options for increasing Energy Access Worldwide
2. Renewable Energy Resources Availability, Technologies and Environment
3. Trends and developments in Energy Efficiency and Technology
4. Stand-alone and Grid Connected Solar PV power systems –Enhancing Rapid Deployment
5. Renewable Energy Technologies for Electrical and Mechanical Power
6. Renewable Energy Technologies for Thermal Applications
7. Training and Capacity Building for renewable energy and Energy Efficiency
8. Energy Economics and Financing of Renewable Energy Technologies
9. Policy and Regulatory Environment for Improved Sustainable Energy Access
Deadline: 15 July 2016
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