Friday, April 26, 2013

Oral Examinations for PhD

Moseki Motsholapheko and Nqobizitha Siziba presented their thesis and were awarded PhD degrees at Okavango Research Institute, Maun on the 23rd and 24th April 2013. The occassion was presided over by a team of board of examiners (Prof Dube, Prof Gavin Fraser-external examiner, Prof Chanda-internal examiner, Dean, School of Graduate Studies), experts in the respective fields and senior management at ORI. The presentations also attracted quite a healthy audience who were invited to participate in the oral examination. Motsholapheko's thesis was entitled: Rural  livelihoods and household adaptation to flood variability in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. ORI Community congratulate and wish them success in their new assignments!

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