Monday, November 05, 2012

Land Use and Adapation - Traditional Knowledge and Climate Change

Climate change poses a direct threat to many indigenous and marginalized societies due to their continuing reliance upon resource-based livelihoods. Thus, there is a need to understand the specific vulnerabilities and adaptation capacities of indigenous and marginalized communities.
Indigenous and marginalized peoples, however, are not just victims of climate change. Their accumulated knowledge makes them excellent observers of environmental change and related impacts. Attentiveness to environmental variability, shift and trends is an integral part of their ways of life. Community-based and local knowledge may thus offer valuable insights into environmental change due to climate change, and complement broader-scale scientific research with local precision and nuance.
Finally, indigenous societies and marginalized populations have elaborated diverse coping strategies to deal with change. While the environmental transformations caused by climate change are expected to be unprecedented, indigenous and local knowledge and coping strategies may nonetheless provide a crucial foundation for community-based adaptation measures.

Read full UN report, download this video here:;postID=6530682157265457438

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