Thursday, June 18, 2009

BIOKAVANGO community of practice meeting

In his presentation at the monthly BIOKAVANGO community of practice (COP) meeting this week, HOORC's Professor Lars Ramberg discussed the impact of flood pulses on vegetation. He pointed out that, in general, floodplains have a much higher productivity than permanent rivers because of the accumulation of nutrients caused by floods. However, he stressed that these activities pose a challenge in the collection of statistics, which is crucial for research purposes. That being the case, it is difficult to convince decision makers to change certain policies because of this lack of quantitative results. In his closing remarks, he hoped that the 2010 Floodpulse Symposium would address some of these issues.

For more information about these monthly meetings, you can contact Anastacia Makati or Olebogeng Suwe at the HOORC Library at 6817241.

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