Monday, March 30, 2009

CBNRM policy implementation consultancy

The Kalahari Conservation Society has circulated terms of reference for a consultancy on CBNRM policy implementation. The general purpose of the consultancy is to facilitate the development of the Government of Botswana's CBNRM Policy Implementation Plan to ensure that all key aspects of the policy are translated into concrete actions by various stakeholders. The consultancy should also come up with a reporting structure for the review of the policy implementation plan to ensure that progress or lack of progress in the implementation of the policy are systematically tracked and the necessary adjustments and realignments made timeously. Reporting to the Society -- Secretariat of the National CBNRM Forum -- the consultancy is scheduled for the beginning of April 2009. Contact:

The Kalahari Conservation Society
P.O.Box 859, Gaborone
Plot 112
Independence Avenue

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