Thursday, September 04, 2008

Leadership for Conservation in Africa meeting reports that Namibia is hosting this year's meeting of the organisation Leadership for Conservation in Africa (LCA) at Okaukuejo in Etosha National Park on September 4th to 7th. The LCA was initiated by South African National Parks (SANParks) and established with support from two additional founding patrons, Gold Fields Ltd, as well as the IUCN (The World Conservation Union), in collaboration with the Heads of Conservation of 13 African countries including Botswana, Cameroon, Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and more than 20 African and international business leaders including Gold Fields, ABN Amro, The Buffett Foundation, De Beers Group, Mittal Steel, the Plattner Foundation, RMC (Russia), Sasol, Virgin International, the United Nations World Tourism Organisation, The Getty Conservation Institute, as well as a representative of the German Ministry of Environment.

The purpose of the organization is to influence business leaders to become strategic business partners of the national conservation authorities of member countries and to encourage communication between business and conservation. In HOORC's Library, you can find The environment : what every business needs to know by Stewart Anthony.

1 comment:

Monica Morrison said... has reported on the meeting: