HOORC's Library has acquired back issues of the Zimbabwean periodical, The Honeyguide, now published by Birdlife Zimbabwe. The publication documents bird biodiversity in the southern African region back to the 1960s. An excerpt from the April 1968 issue:
Some notes on birds in the Kumagha area, Botetle River, Botswana : From the 4th to the 19th August, 1967, Peterhouse School mounted an expedition to the Kumagha area of Botswana, which lies on the Botetle River immediately west of the Makarikari Pans.… A total of 370 birds of 111 species were collected on this trip. The area had previously not been collected systematically, and so many of the species collected represented new records. However, many, such as the Cattle Egret and Reed Comorant had previously been collected at either end of the Botetle (at Maun and Lake Dow, for example), and so our specimens served only to confirm that these species occurred along the river. Nevertheless, many of the birds represent quite considerable extensions of range from that shown in Smither's 'Checklist of the Birds of Bechuanaland'. p. 24
You can find species indexes to The Honeyguide on the Birdlife Zimbabwe web site.
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