Thursday, December 13, 2007

New in HOORC's Library: Kalahari sediments study

In situ rounding of quartz grains within an African surface weathering profile in North West Ngamiland, Botswana by M.J. McFarlane, S.H. Coetzee, J.R. Kuhn, HOORC researcher Cornelis Vanderpost and F.D. Eckardt, was published in the September issue of the Zeitschrift für geomorphologie. The study looked at a basal sandstone in the thick, unconsolidated sands and silts assigned to the Kalahari Sediments in north west Ngamiland. The roundness of the quartz grains in the sandstone had been taken to indicate physical transport, which seriously conflicts with evidence that indicates that the sandstone is a component of an in situ weathering profile. You can find the article, and an explanation of sandstone weathering processes, in the Encyclopedia of Geology, in HOORC's Library.

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