Friday, May 22, 2015

Greening Africa’s growth corridors could contribute to global Sustainable Development Goals, says IUCN

Building inclusive, resilient, green growth corridors is one way African countries can ensure their ambitious economic agendas support the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), said IUCN at the Global Green Growth Forum (3GF) regional meeting held here 13-14 May.
Many African countries, including Mozambique and Tanzania, have created growth corridors to attract investment that will stimulate economic development, job creation, public revenue, and ultimately, contribute to the eradication poverty. By adopting long-term goals for these corridors that promote greater food, energy, water and climate security, as well as enhance livelihoods and well-being, governments will be better positioned to deliver tangible evidence of sustainable growth and development.

Through an innovative programme called SUSTAIN-Africa, IUCN is working with local, national and international partners to demonstrate the benefits of sustainably managed natural resources in these areas. With a particular emphasis on landscape management and restoration, the programme aims to support development of improved and diversified farm, forest and wetland production that links local communities to new business opportunities, fostering green growth throughout the corridor.  

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